June 29, 2019 Transcript: My son, there has been MUCH SPECULATION on who the Son of Perdition will be. Some say it is Obama, some say Erdogan, some say Macron, some say it's Kushner, but I SAY I have NOT REVEALED who the Man of Sin will be. I ask you, My Children, even if you knew who he was, what can you do about it?? You cannot pray him away, you cannot ask that I remove him from power. My Word cannot be changed from what I have said about this man. These men mentioned above, as all men who are against Me, are "Antichrist." I have said in My Word that the Spirit of Antichrist moves among men who do not believe in and follow Me. I also ask, why waste what little time is left looking for the Man of Sin when there is so much more to do?? My son, MANY of My Children have said I have revealed him to them in dreams and visions. I have NOT REVEALED who he is to anyone. This man will be SELECTED by "Corrupt Jews" (who are like the ...