What is the Warning? What is the New Pentecost?
The Warning is when we will see Jesus on the Cross in the sky, with Rays coming from His Sacred Wound that Blood and Water gushed forth as a font of mercy for us, so that every soul will encounter Our Blessed Lord. Small tongues of fire will land on every soul during this process which will last about 15 minutes. Every soul will see their life sins that have not been confessed. If a soul is currently on its way to purgatory, hell or heaven they will experience this. After this event mankind will have 6 weeks of calm before all hell breaks loose on earth. 6 weeks to get to confession and make a decision to follow God or not. He said priests will Baptize 100s at a time and all people will be shown the truth of Christ’s One Holy Catholic Apostolic Church. Priests will spend day and night in the confessional. Once the Warning happens TVs must be thrown out. The media will tell people that this event had to do with the rays and radiation of the sun. That will be a lie. The ...