Mostrando entradas de 2019
El rostro de Jesucristo/ Jesus Christ portrait
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¿Sabías que Dios Concede Todo, cuando se le pide a las 3 de la tarde?
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Cómo Contestar a los Protestantes cuando Acusan a los Católicos de No ser Bí...
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Testimonio de una cristiana católica
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Sorprendentes Mensajes que ha dado el Niño Jesús en sus Apariciones
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El Santo Rosario y sus bondades
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El Capellán de la Reina Isabel II el Obispo Anglicano Gavin Ashenden se convierte al Catolicismo
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El Hallazgo Milagroso de la Casa de la Virgen María en Éfeso
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An amazing testimony and he speaks truth
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Fr Michel Rodrigué has an amazing testimony and he speaks truth. He said to we should have supplies of food in your home. He said we must consecrate our home to the Holy Family. He said this will allow your home to be a temporary refuge until the Holy Spirit guides you to a permanent refuge. All you need will be provided at the refuges that you will be guided to if one surrenders to God. He said a soul must go to confession at least once a month to be prepared. He said that after the Warning (when we will see Jesus on the Cross in the sky with Rays coming from His Sacred Wound that Blood and Water gushed forth as a font of mercy for us) that every soul will encounter Our Blessed Lord. He said small tongues of fire will land on every soul during this process which will last about 15 minutes. Every soul will see their life sins that have not been confessed. If a soul is currently on its way to purgatory, hell or heaven they will experience this. He also said that after this event manki...
Exorcist Warns: Satanism Is On The Rise
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Señales que Dios está por dar el Aviso a la Humanidad
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El gran aviso y los últimos tiempos por Damián Galerón.
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Ya Comenzó el Triunfo del Inmaculado Corazón de María [no lo dudes]
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Todas las gracias y verdades que no aceptan los que siguieron a Lutero.
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Martín Lutero esta condenado en el infierno para la eternidad afirmó la beata Sor María Serafina Micheli
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Hell pictures_ A Trip To Hell (Full version) / 지옥그림_지옥을 견학하다
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Heaven pictures_A Trip to Heaven(Full version) / 천국그림 _천국을 견학하다
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Defensa de la Inmaculada Concepción.
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Prophetic Vision Warning: USA Recession Looming/ Sri Lanka Earthquake Ts...
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Jornada de oración, ayuno y penitencia a nivel mundial, para el próximo 08 de Diciembre
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Hago un llamado urgente al Vicario de mi Hijo aquí en la tierra, para que cuanto antes, consagre a Rusia a mi Corazón Inmaculado, conforme al pedido de Fátima. El Papa debe viajar a Rusia en compañía de los Purpurados y consagrarme esa nación, para que los tentáculos del comunismo no se expandan más por el mundo; de lo contrario, su doctrina ateísta se propagará y traerá muchas desgracias a la humanidad. Antes de que llegue el Aviso de Dios , Rusia debe de estar consagrada a mi Corazón Inmaculado. Atended a mi llamado Pastor del Rebaño de mi Hijo, que no se dilate más la consagración de esta nación, para que mañana no tengáis de qué lamentaros. Hijitos, os pido una jornada de oración, ayuno y penitencia a nivel mundial, para el próximo 08 de Diciembre día de mi Inmaculada Concepción de 12:00 AM a 6:00 P.M., para que oremos juntos mi Santo Rosario y supliquemos al Padre Celestial, por la Consagración de Rusia a mi Inmaculado Corazón. Que todo el mundo católico...
Dia 1 Mes de Noviembre dedicado a las Almas del Purgatorio
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Dia 1 Mes de Noviembre dedicado a las Almas del Purgatorio
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Love and Mercy : Faustina | Beyond the Vision
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Love and Mercy - FAUSTINA - trailer
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Prophetic Warning: Prepare for the Coming Onslaught & Financial Collapse
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Dreams of Massive Tsunami to Strike America // Jesus is Coming Soon!!!
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China's own digital currency will allow govt, central bank to monitor spending: Analysts
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PROPHETIC MESSAGE: The Spiritual Battle Intensifies // Rapture
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Warnings From Amos 3 and Promises From Psalm 91
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This is the True Meaning of Yom Kippur!
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Chinese military could step in if violence in Hong Kong escalates furthe...
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I Had A Rapture Dream Last Night!
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Vision:The Apocalypse/The Day of the Lord
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Everyone Needs to Watch This!
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Summary of the Fiery Kickoff Event
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3 WARNING DREAMS: Economy & Food System burns up // Social Credit Scores
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The wrecking ball #Warning #prosperitygospel
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2,000 Year Old Extinct Date Pit Resurrected
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The Sheep & The Goats Parable: As You’ve Never Seen It
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Turin Shroud: The New Evidence (Shroud of Turin) | History Documentary | Min 37:45
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The first day of the year is Passover
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100% Proof Meditation Is Dangerous & Demonic (The Shocking Truth)
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100% Hard Truth About Trump
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Destruction Cometh
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DESTRUCTION COMETH!!! August 28, 2019 Jeremiah 4:20-22 20 Destruction upon destruction is cried; for the whole land is spoiled: suddenly are my tents spoiled, and my curtains in a moment. 21 How long shall I see the standard, and hear the sound of the trumpet? 22 For my people is foolish , they have not known me; they are sottish children, and they have none understanding: they are wise to do evil, but to do good they have no knowledge. Transcript: My son, tell My Children that Destruction Cometh, and her name is Gabrielle. I say to you now, Beware of the Storms of Fall, for they will be fierce, but none as fierce as Gabrielle! Many will lose everything, but take note, you will have your lives! I have said many times that the DAYS OF JUDGMENT ARE UPON YOU , and those who hear My Voice will be led to places of safety. I have said many times to have your houses in order - both physical a...
PROPHETIC WARNING: Floods, Hurricanes & Fire
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PROPHETIC WARNING: Downfall of America // Intercessory Prayers Needed
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5G Technology: The Greatest Conspiracy of All Time?
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Cashless Society and the End of Freedom
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My son, the clock is ticking, the countdown has begun...
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NO URGENCY! - August 22, 2019 II Timothy 3:1-5 1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, 4 Traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; 5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. Transcript: My son, the clock is ticking, the countdown has begun, yet there is NO URGENCY in My Body! They see the turmoil in the world and shrug it off as in saying, Oh, well, another shooting, or another teen suicide. Their hearts are hardened and numb as the world spirals out of control. Some in My Body say, we have big conventions for you, Lord. Do you really, or is it to sell a book or t-shirt?? My son,...
Get Your Affairs in Order!
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The Church of the Apostles in Galilee
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Prophetic Warning: Economic Reset
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What is Karma? Is it Biblical?
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MESSAGE for those who do NOT KNOW JESUS
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Message for America
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SEPTEMBER, 1984 Late one night, I could not sleep, The children were sleeping on the luggage. My wife and daughter were crying, I went outside and walked around. I didn't want them to see me cry. I walked around the building, crying and saying, "God! Why did you punish me? Why did you bring me into this country? I can't understand anybody. If I try to ask anybody anything, all I hear is, "I don't know." I stopped in front of the apartment and sat on a large rock. Suddenly a bright light came toward me. I jumped to my feet because it looked as if a car was coming directly at me, attempting to run me down! I thought the Romanian Secret Police had tracked me to America, and now they were trying to kill me. But it wasn't a car at all. As the light approached, it surrounded me. From the light I heard the same voice that I had heard so many time...
Tabernacle of Moses Replica in Timna Park
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FULFILLED: Walmart warning Don't go to a walmart
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PROPHETIC MESSAGE: Revelation 12 - War
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Should Christians Do Yoga? Absolutely Not
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Corrie Ten Boom - Saved estimated 800 lives during the Nazi occupation
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Testimony of two Ghost Hunters
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My Dream of Heaven!! Indescribable Beauty! Jesus prepared a place for us
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July 22, 2019 Received 06/06/2019 Transcript: My son, the world has always had wars, and men have fought and died in these wars. Wars are fought for one reason -- MONEY ! Yes, many can say they (wars) are fought for land, natural resources, religion, and many other reasons, but the ROOT OF ALL WARS IS MONEY . The men who control the world, the elite globalists, will make fortunes if the world is at war. The globalists lend money to both sides so they always win, plus they OWN the world's banks, and war brings in big money! My son, I have said in previous words to you what will be the wars to come, but only a few read and believed Me. Here is the list again of who will go to war. There will be wars ON the earth, IN the earth, and ABOVE the earth. Space will be littered with so much debris that will fall to earth as shooting stars. (I understood and saw this to be WAR IN SPACE with the targeting and shooting of satellit...
Key End Time Puzzle Piece Revealed!
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Strategy, USA is first & Humoz intensity!
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Three Judgment Zones Coming to America
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1937 Earthquake Dream. #Prophecy
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WARNING MESSAGE: Prepare Now & Do Not Wait! // Latterrain Preppers Forum
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TranZformed: Encontrar la paz con su género dado por Dios
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WARNING DREAM: California (PNW) Earthquake // Land Splits into Sea
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Cry Out to Me with All of Your Heart before the Greatest Storm of All Time Hits
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The Seven Laws of Noah
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These are the very laws the Antichrist will use to behead those who will NOT deny Jesus! https://byronsearle.blogspot.com/2019/03/poison_21.html TO BELIEVE IN JESUS (Jews don't accept Jesus as Messiah, the Son of YHWH) WILL BREAK THE FIRST NOAHIDE LAW (do not have idols), AND THE PENALTY FOR REFUSING TO REJECT JESUS IS DEATH!! https://byronsearle.blogspot.com/2019/03/be-not-deceived.html
Noahide laws
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These are the very laws the Antichrist will use to behead those who will NOT deny Jesus! https://byronsearle.blogspot.com/2019/03/poison_21.html TO BELIEVE IN JESUS (Jews don't accept Jesus as Messiah, the Son of YHWH) WILL BREAK THE FIRST NOAHIDE LAW (do not have idols), AND THE PENALTY FOR REFUSING TO REJECT JESUS IS DEATH!! https://byronsearle.blogspot.com/2019/03/be-not-deceived.html
How to have a healthy relationship with the Lord? Admit your mistakes (sins). Do not ever hide anything. Be loyal. Forgive. Spend time with Him (Reading the Bible, praying...) Listen to Him. Show your love in whatever way you can. Etc
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July 06, 2019 Transcript: My son, the people of this nation are acting and thinking exactly the way the people of Jerusalem acted and thought while Jeremiah was trying to warn them of impending captivity. America, you can bury your head in the sand and plug your ears, but I, the Lord, have warned you, and yet your foolish pride will be your downfall. I have set My true watchmen to warn you, yet you laugh and carry on as though nothing will happen....just as they did in Jerusalem. My son, I so wish this nation followed the example of Nineveh and repented in sackcloth and ashes - then I would stay My hand a little longer. But your haughty, prideful arrogance, believing you are blessed has blinded the reality of a sin-soaked, wicked nation! Jerusalem was sin-soaked and wicked - worshiping the idols of stone and wood over Me. America is the most idolatrous nation - even more than Babylon. The Christians think they are righte...
A dream from the Lord about a powerful earthquake coming to Japan and California
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Incredible 1937 Earthquake Prophecy
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Jeff Buchanan - Finding Freedom from Homosexuality in the Church
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Tranzformed - Finding Peace With Your God Given Gender
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Pεrsecuτiοn, Ρropαgαndα & Taylor Swift's Role
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Dream, Interpretation and Word: Bank on Fire
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June 29, 2019 Transcript: My son, there has been MUCH SPECULATION on who the Son of Perdition will be. Some say it is Obama, some say Erdogan, some say Macron, some say it's Kushner, but I SAY I have NOT REVEALED who the Man of Sin will be. I ask you, My Children, even if you knew who he was, what can you do about it?? You cannot pray him away, you cannot ask that I remove him from power. My Word cannot be changed from what I have said about this man. These men mentioned above, as all men who are against Me, are "Antichrist." I have said in My Word that the Spirit of Antichrist moves among men who do not believe in and follow Me. I also ask, why waste what little time is left looking for the Man of Sin when there is so much more to do?? My son, MANY of My Children have said I have revealed him to them in dreams and visions. I have NOT REVEALED who he is to anyone. This man will be SELECTED by "Corrupt Jews" (who are like the ...