Destruction Cometh



   August 28, 2019

Jeremiah 4:20-22
20 Destruction upon destruction is cried; for the whole land is spoiled: suddenly are my tents spoiled, and my curtains in a moment. 
21 How long shall I see the standard, and hear the sound of the trumpet? 
22 For my people is foolish, they have not known me; they are sottish children, and they have none understanding: they are wise to do evil, but to do good they have no knowledge.

My son, tell My Children that Destruction Cometh, and her name is Gabrielle. I say to you now, Beware of the Storms of Fall, for they will be fierce, but none as fierce as Gabrielle! Many will lose everything, but take note, you will have your lives!

I have said many times that the DAYS OF JUDGMENT ARE UPON YOU, and those who hear My Voice will be led to places of safety. I have said many times to have your houses in order - both physical and spiritual. Although I speak to you now, many will ignore the words of warning and continue as if nothing is coming!


The season grows closer to the Time of My Return to Gather My Remnant for the Chosen Task I have assigned to you!

Many people say that these words cannot come from Me, for they have no love in them, but I say, My warnings to you are OUT OF LOVE so you will be prepared for what is coming!


My son, while My Body still SLEEPS and REFUSES TO WAKE UP, the king has now angered the enemy of the North. This bear is one not to play, yet the arrogant king thinks he can continue to not only prod the bear, but beat the bear with an Economic Club! 

I say unto you, the Armies from the North are gathering their strength for an ALL-OUT SURPRISE ATTACK on this sinful Nation!! 

Through the king's pride, he has fooled the American people and My Church into believing you can do nothing but Win, Win, Win!!! But I say unto you, you have already lost, and all that is left is the captivity!!

America and her kings (current and previous) have now turned the world into a reflection of itself - Prideful! Lustful! Arrogant! and the world is reacting with riots, killings, and anarchy!!

America, what you sow you will reap!! Prepare for the riots, the killings, and the anarchy!! 

I say to you, America, REPENT NOW!! Don't be as your king and say, I have done nothing wrong I need to repent for! 

FALL UPON My Mercy and Grace and SEEK forgiveness of sin in your lives and for the sins of a corrupt Nation! REPENT NOW, for soon you may NOT be able to call upon My Name without being beheaded for saying My Name Jesus!!

Governments are being deceived into implementing the Noahide Laws to control the people, but I say unto you, the SAME vipers and snakes of My time are still trying to CONTROL the world and ALL the people in it!

I say, STAY in My Word, LEARN of Me, and you will NOT be deceived! I warned you that in the last days deception would be so strong that even My very elect could be deceived, but you will NOT if you KNOW My Word! 

Do NOT believe all the false prophets that say good times are here and that America will be great again! Many have already fallen for that deception. Many people worship this king - even though he said he is The Chosen One, My Body just continues to make excuses for him!

I tell you now, the king does NOT know ME - he follows another! He is an actor playing a part. I have picked him to play this part - to finish the destruction of this sin-soaked Nation that REFUSES TO REPENT!


My son, continue to reach the lost! Preach the Word in season and out of season! SCREAM MY NAME to all the Lost! Tell them Jesus Saves and to follow the True King!!!

I love all My Children, but many have left their first love and follow the ways of the world and all the pleasures thereof. REPENT NOW! COME OUT of the world, My Children, and SEEK ME in prayer, READ My Word daily, and PUT ON the armor, for the DAYS AHEAD ARE FILLED WITH PERIL!!! 

Lord Jesus
