My son, the clock is ticking, the countdown has begun...


II Timothy 3:1-5
1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 
2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
4 Traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. 

My son, the clock is ticking, the countdown has begun, yet there is NO URGENCY in My Body! They see the turmoil in the world and shrug it off as in saying, Oh, well, another shooting, or another teen suicide.

Their hearts are hardened and numb as the world spirals out of control. Some in My Body say, we have big conventions for you, Lord. Do you really, or is it to sell a book or t-shirt??

My son, I tell you now as I have told you before, MANY in My Body are NOT ready, their houses are NOT in order, and MANY WILL PERISH believing a lie! 

America will NOT be great again, and its king will be brought down as I brought  Nebuchadnezzar down. I will humble this prideful king! But, you say, He is just patriotic! I say, He is prideful and deceitful!!

My son, America mirrors Judah just before the final fall. The people only believed the false prophets and hated My true prophets. My judgments are falling on America, NOT as punishment, but to WAKE UP the sleeping Body to SEEK MEinstead of the world!! 

Many in My Body are following lying spirits giving dreams that are not from Me. These false dreamers confirm each other instead of seeking the Truth in My Word. These lies spread throughout My Body like cancer. Because My Body does not know My Word, they believe the lie! 

My son, the judgments will STRIKE BY TOTAL SURPRISE and will catch ALL but My Faithful Remnant totally unaware! Although My true prophets have been warning and sounding the alarms, the MAJORITY of My Body will be in FEAR!

Because they did not believe Me or My Word, they will NOT know how to walk in faith! They think this American Church is special - that they will be whisked away before they get a small scratch!

Thus saith the Lord, AMERICA - Your sins have polluted My nostrils!! Your (America's) unrepentant people, just as your king, will feel My Strong Hand lift off your Nation!! The judgments have been proclaimed throughout the Courts of Heaven, and the sentence decreed!! GUILTY AS CHARGED of Murder! Idolatry! Sodomy! Witchcraft! Blasphemers! Reprobates! Lovers of Pleasure more than Lovers of God! High-minded! Proud! Covetous! Selfish! and Lovers of this World! PREPARE YOURSELVES, for you will be here to see the carnage! Or choose to IGNORE THIS WORD as many have before! 

FIRE!!! FIRE!!! FIRE!!! will be the cries heard throughout the land!! Fire cleanses the land and brings the heart into subjection and repentance. 

I say, REPENT NOW!! Have your house in order!! Prepare your family and warn your loved ones! FIRE IS COMING like a summer rain!! IT WILL FALL ALL ACROSS AMERICA and touch every person!!

My son, many in My Body will perish because of unbelief, but those awake -- SHARE THE GOSPEL!! Don't be afraid, for I AM with you! 

The tribulation coming on America is to REMOVE HER as a great power! Her time is up, and the Word of Prophecy MUST BE FULFILLED!!

I love you, My Children, but I AM NOT coming to gather My Bride that is full of sin! I AM coming to gather a Bride without spot or wrinkle! My Bride WILL be holy and pure!!
Lord Jesus
